Monday, January 20, 2014

shift and sleep patterns on board YOLO...

We are often asked how we manage this being Double handed. Firstly we always maintain a watch..24/7. We operate on a two hours on, two hours off.. this ensures optimal helming and during the day limiting exposure to the sun. This does not mean the rest of the time is R&R time.. there is navigation that happens, maintenance, cooking, cleaning.. So ideally one tries to catnap during the day an then during the night-hours to get around 1.5 hours at a time.. this can leave one at times wanting for more.. but this is how we do it.
Temperatures aboard are hot, currently with a water temp of 25.5deg, So nights are hot and humid and daytime is hot hot. With little wind it aggravates things..  Aboard we try and helm as much by hand rather then the self steering, this saves power and hopefully allows us to optimize as well as to keep us occupied.

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