Yesterday am was good sailing, good speeds being made..
by late afternoon the wind had reduced.. with us changing to a lighter kite and
then later struggling to support this.. In the end, we opted to make some
northing and spent most of the night doing this in much lighter breeze. By
Sunrise the wind had filtered back and Yolo is sailing comfortably again,
albeit still in lighter breeze. There are rain clouds all around us.. and we
have sighted a rainbow this AM. The intention is to still keep going NNWish..
for now. There are no short cuts. Our last one cost us a
couple of miles.
All well aboard. Eating well. All good.
We have sailed this part of the Atlantic on numerous
occasions. This Ocean is known to be one of the cleanest in the world if not
the cleanest. So it was disappointing yesterday to see the sort of litter we
did.. there were Nylon ropes, buoys, nets, plastic cartons floating around..
this is not normal litter, but litter generally caused by careless fishing.
This needs to be monitored.. this is bad for the environment and a risk for
smaller vessels.
Thank you for the blog really interesting and liked the picture of the GPS. And yes , turning our seas into a dumping ground doesn't get bode well. Start brushing up your Portuguese you will need it in a few days .