Friday, September 16, 2016


The 15th looked like the best weather window for a while and the boat needed to get to Simonstown for the MBR. Departed RCYC rounding the breakwater at 7h45.. two sail reached to Moullie Point light and then hoisted the Kite. The breeze was filling in nicely with the boat settling down to some nice sailing, eventually picking upto around 18 knots, with a few shifts which necessitated putting in two gybes.. with the wind increasing the kite was changed to the heavy weather kite. Seas were flattish, but there was still a comfortable SW swell which we were pushing into. Breeze kept on picking up with the boat maintaining good speeds sailing down the coastline.. Nearing SW reefs, the wind was gusting 25 plus, so went conservative and dropped the kite and poled out jib for a while.. then reached upto SW reefs in breeze that had picked upto 28 steady for a while.. Went very wide at the reefs then heading for Cape Point and around. took a long tack into the bay, hoping for a favorable shift, unfortunately it went the other way.. so tacked inshore where the water was flatter and sailed up the coastline.. rounding the bullnose at 15h45, exactly 8 hours after starting.. We could have made up more time cutting in on SW reefs and not going so deep into the bay.. Boat went well.. Aboard was: Dale.

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