Monday, June 15, 2015


Always a favourite event.... with a medium distance course and a Pursuit Race.. Always a winner as all types re happy to enter. Winds were light but the seas were relatively flat. Yolo had not been raced for a while so good to be back on the water with a full crew. Getting a good start at full speed where we wanted to be.. giving us a nice quick leg fetching to Landfall nearing Landfall the fog set in, so a bit of navigation was required, Once around and hard on the wind and we passed the first boat... Soon after that the fog thinned as we closed in on the shoreline. We rthen started to play the shifts upwind as we weaved our way through the fleet, the winds had died down at BArket Rock with a big surge. We rounded nicely in the lead of our class.. Hoisted the kite and gybed immediately but struggled to set thre kite as we were in the backwash of the rock.. eventually gybing back and started getting going, alas this maneuver cost us our lead.. The rest of the race was a mundane downwind leg with a few gybes, while always trying to ensure we were in the breeze. Yolo came second in our class.. All had a great Time. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger, Mark, Cath and Sarel

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