Monday, November 25, 2013

Italian Ambassador's Challenge

A perfect event which the club and the Italian Consulate put a lot of effort into.. Starting with an event held at the Ambassador's residence the night before for Skippers../ THis was a high end function catered etc... with a few speeches. Saturday was a perfect day, but windy.. YOLO had two wonderful guest aboard and two more crew from Isivungu who were really great. In the harbour there was not much wind.. but around the corner in the start area it was blowing 35 knots plus.. and the difficult call by the organizers was made to cancel sailing. THis was the correct decision as there were lots of guests on the boats and the forecast was for it to get stronger(which it did) Yolo opted for a short sail.. and sailed into mid bay and then reached back to Granger Bay at good speeds a bit overpowered at times.. Dropped sails and tghen decided since it was still so early to drop anchor at Granger Bay for an hour.. and enjoy the beautiful weather on that side... followed by a motor back to the club via the V&A. Aboard Were: Dale, Ian and Siger, plus 2 guests and 2 crew from Isivungu.

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