Wednesday, December 18, 2013
YOLO BAck in water -17th December 2013
With strong South Easters and the cranes not functioning, Yolo braved her relaunch. After a new prop and a bottom job to a racing finish, it was time to go back in the water.
Once launched, supposed to check the prop but with 40knots gusts very difficult so just motored to the newly allocated race mooring in front of the clubhouse.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Xtra-Link has again come aboard as Communications sponsor on Yolo. Xtra-Link has a long relationship with this team spanning back to 2005. On Board Yolo will be a Sailor FBB250 Terminal which supplies voice and high speed internet connection to enable to the team to download the latest weather information. In addition to this they will be carrying a Satellite ISATPHONE.
YOLO out of water for PREP
On Monday the 9th December Yolo was craned out of the water for maintainance.
The following to be undertaken:
-Clean bottom
-Sand down bottom
-Respray Antifouling, to maintain race finish.
-Apply Sponsor decals on Boat.
-Replace Anodes.
-Replace PRop *1
*1 Yolo has a Folding Prop. IN light of the long race, the decision was taken to order a specialized Gori RACING folding prop which have the best underwater dynamics while under sail of any prop. The Prop Should arrive on yes.. Friday the 13th December.. to be fitted Soon Afterwards.
The Intended date to return to the water is: 17th December..
At this point the boat will move to the event mooring space and be cleaned and thereafter the loading of the boat will begin as she would be ready for the event.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Final Wed Nite Race of the Series 4th December 2013
A Southerly wind blowing with strong gusts just prior to the start with Yolo opting for a conservative approach as we were light on the rail. A mediocre start was had and a drag to Paarden Island followed by a reach to Milnerton. Unfortunately Yolo had a boat covering her wind the whole leg and so was unable to break free.. On the next leg Yolo sailed Rhumb line for number 8 which had her in range of the faster boats. With a short beat to the finish, not much opportunity to make up. Yolo rounded just behind two Class three boats so opted to tack in order to have a clear line.. and witht he Southerlies there were shifts so would hopefully make up some distance. Yolo played the shifts to the finish, catching up enough time to place her third in the Race and 1st Overall in the Series. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger, Sarel and Owen. Boat Performed well.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
YOLO Enters Cape to Rio Race 2014
Press Release:
Royal Cape Yacht Club Commodore, Dale Kushner has officially lodged his personal entry in the upcoming Cape to Rio Race which is due to start on the 4th January 2014. Dale Kushner is familiar with this race having taken part in previous editions, the most recent was the 2011 Edition in which he attained 3rd place overall.
This Year he will be entering and sailing the event Double handed with his long time crew member Ian Coward. This Duo have competed in almost every single Offshore event in South Africa together and have done the Double Handed South Star race in 2003 and therefore are very familiar with Double Handed Sailing.
They will be sailing aboard Dale’s Jenneau Sunfast 3200 Class yacht which is aptly named YOLO (You Only Live Once). The boat is 32 feet in length making it one of the smallest boats to enter this edition of the race.
Dale’s estimate of the race: It is anyone’s race, conditions, good decisions and a bit of luck being the overriding factor.
This Skipper is known for being very particular in boat preparation ensuring that everything is prepped properly in order to minimise any potential gear failures that one may encounter.
Their Satellite communication requirements are sponsored by their long time sponsor Xtra-Link(since 2005)
PIC #1 – Dale Kushner(right) handing his entry form to Ray Matthews(Left) Cape to Rio Chairman.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Italian Ambassador's Challenge
A perfect event which the club and the Italian Consulate put a lot of effort into.. Starting with an event held at the Ambassador's residence the night before for Skippers../ THis was a high end function catered etc... with a few speeches. Saturday was a perfect day, but windy.. YOLO had two wonderful guest aboard and two more crew from Isivungu who were really great. In the harbour there was not much wind.. but around the corner in the start area it was blowing 35 knots plus.. and the difficult call by the organizers was made to cancel sailing. THis was the correct decision as there were lots of guests on the boats and the forecast was for it to get stronger(which it did)
Yolo opted for a short sail.. and sailed into mid bay and then reached back to Granger Bay at good speeds a bit overpowered at times.. Dropped sails and tghen decided since it was still so early to drop anchor at Granger Bay for an hour.. and enjoy the beautiful weather on that side... followed by a motor back to the club via the V&A.
Aboard Were: Dale, Ian and Siger, plus 2 guests and 2 crew from Isivungu.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Wednesday Night Race -19th November 2013
Light and fickle at the start... with it being patchy.. At the five minutes the call was made to raise the genoa. Unfortunately it was not clipped on properly, so the halyard went to the top of the mast.. Quick rush to get the bosun's chair and strap on, go up the mast, retrieve the halyard get down and clip on and hoist.. has the halyard up just as the gun went.. Alas due to the wind with the main only Yolo was still far from the start line. It took almost 2 minutes for YOLO to cross the start. IN the meantime the front boats had made a few boat lengths as they picked up the puffs etc.. Eventually breeze came through and the chase was on. YOLO rounded the first mark far behind where she should be.. On the downwind worked the puffs to try and gain... executed a good rounding at the leeward mark and then began to work all the shift on the beat again. This helps to catch up with some of the boats ahead.. IN the end, Yolo managed to pull back to a third overall. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger, Sarel, Jenna, Guest Steve and Owen. Boat performed well.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Double Handed Race -Sat 16th November 2013
After a very storm evening, with flooding and wind carnage in and around Cape Town, a nice 7-8knots breeze from the SW filled intot he bay with a smooth seaway. Yolo got off to a conservative start.. with the light wind, the boats with the larger sail areas managed to pull away. Once around the first mark, Yolo still struggled in the light conditions but managed to hold her own.. With next leg, the wind got lighter and with a L34 sailing through Yolo's lee.. it was time to find wind. There seemed to be more wind on the Right hand side of the course.. so Yolo worked in that direction.. getting to the wind first.. Eventually being able to tack and lay LAndfall. At this stage it seemed that Yolo would catch up and pass some boats.. As the beat progressed the boats coming in on Port got lifted and Yolo got headed.. with Yolo behind them again. In the end, no gain on this leg for Yolo.. The race ended with Yolo having one of he "not so good results" coming 5th(last) in the race.. Aboard were Dale and Ian.
Wed Nite -13th November 2013
A comfortable SW of around 12 knots.. A reasonable start, could have been better, Yolo rounding the mark for the downwind.. in good company.. On the downwind struggled for speed with the boats with Yolo at the rounding pulling away and boats from behind able to catch up and Pass Yolo.. At the Leeward mark, Yolo managed to get on the inside of Freedom and set herself up for the beat.. At this time, Regardless was well ahead.. Yolo then had to try and make distance with the boats around her.. with a few tacks to look for more breeze Yolo was able to pull away.. in the end, ending the race 2nd on corrected time. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger, Sarel, Jenna.. and Our Guests the OC of the HMS Richmond Robert Pedre and his Girlfriend Emily.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Wed Nite -6th November 2013
Another coldish day in Cape Town.. Not abnormal for this time of the year, when one does get a bout of this type of weather from time to time. Perfect North Western blowing. Around 14-16knots with a nice big sea running.
Yolo had a ACE of a start.. getting ahead and being able to stay ahead for the first leg.. with a Simonis 35 catching up and a Old IOR One tonner catching up, but Yolo still managed to round weather mark first. On the downwind, Yolo poled out the jib, while the two mentioned boats were in kite class. The Simonis 35 quickly overhauled Yolo and the other boat took a bit longer to get their kite up but still managed to pass though Yolo's lee before the leeward mark but took it very wide allowing Yolo an opening. The beat was quite bumpy, with the two boats sailing "neck and neck" with a big boat sailing over Yolo forcing her to tack away.. Coming into the Mark the IOR boat came in on port and tacked in the two boat lenth makr and forced Yolo to avoid collision. Yolo immediately called protest and flew the flag. the other boat then honourably did they 720 and then raised their kite.. even with the 720 they were able to finish the race well ahead of Yolo. In all a great race in nice sea conditions. Yolo won her class on corrected time.
Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger, Sarel and Jenna(Who has not been sailing with us for a long while)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Wednesday Nite Race 30th October 2013
Late October, one would expect warmer conditions but the day presented NW and W breeze.. Just before the start it started raining and was cold.. with squalls on the water reaching 30knots... Yolo only had 5 aboard so there was concern about being too light on the rail, so the decision was finally taken for the J4..
Good start was had which had Yolo ahead of the faster boats at the first two marks, sailing a beat type angle and a fetch. Thereafter the downwind from NO:2 to Milnerton has Yolo with Poled out J4 messing about with a Spinnaker Class boat... hanging in there as we were taking their breeze and the were pushing us up... this cost us(and them) eventually we saw the gap and gybed away.. rounding a bit behind where we should have been. In the meantime the winds had lightened and there was a sloppy sea.. so after the rounding Yolo struggled for height/speed and power. Suffering for the remainder of the race except in the puffs. The rest of the fleet had opted for larger sails.. so we had made the wrong call and it cost us. Yolo came 4th on corrected time. Everyone enjoyed the race and the different conditions we sailed in. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger, Sarel and newbie Jason. It was Ian's birthday aboard.
Monday, October 28, 2013
RISK SA- Sat 26th October 2013
This Risk SA is a new concept.. put together by RCYC and Risk SA involving teams made up of insurance companies or related to insurance industry paired up to racing crew on yachts where they can compete against each other. this is a high level event, starting with a Black tie event on the Friday evening and culminating with the prize giving on the Saturday evening.. which took place as a full banquet type event. kudos to Risk SA and the RCYC team. Now back to the Race.
The weather was not as predicted, with 25-35knots actually blowing.. with Safety being the name of the game.. most boats opted to be conservative with crews who had little or no experience in sailing.
Yolo opted for the conservative route, hoisting a J4 and put a reef in the mainsail.. With the reef in the mainsail, downwind performance would have been hindered as other boats had full mains.. and in fact hoisted their largest jibs for those legs..
Yolo started with an average start, opting to stay out the fray, Hark was the first mark which could be laid on one tack.. after which the Coke can was next. Yolo poled the foresail out.. and work downwind.. but lost some ground due to the smaller main.. on the upwind managed to pick up a place or two.. but not enough to make sufficient time up.. IN fact from the middle of the downwind there was probably no change in overall positions from then to the actual finish on corrected time.. The rest of the race was pretty much standard. Those aboard Yolo had a great time.. and enjoyed a great day on the water.
Yolo had a great time, no problems aboard.. Aboard were: dale, Ian and Sieger from the regular crew, plus 5 great people from One financial services..
Thursday, October 17, 2013
WED NITE RACE- 16th October 2013
Nice South Easter on the Bay. Winds were mostly in the upper teens. Flat Water.. Bit chilly. YOLO took the conservative start... and race for Paarden Island Mark, getting there as second boat.. On the downwind were challenged my the Farr 38 Freedom which kept trying to climb over Yolo..In the end, Yolo managed to have the inside at the Milnerton Rounding.. and did a good rounding. Freedom struggled to get set up quickly.. which allowed Yolo the additional distance. Thereafter Yolo and Freedom sailed in different breeze to the Harken mark. with Freedom in slightly lighter but lifted so they were able to point higher and make it in one go, with Yolo in a bit more breeze but more of a header which required two more tacks to make the mark. Once round it was off to Number 8 and then the finish. We held our own.. the only boat finishing ahead of our start was Scarlet Sun who was sailing the spinnaker class which they won.. Yolo won it's class on handicap. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sarel, Sieger, Tony and a new recruit for the boat..Jason.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Double Handed Race -12th October 2013
Although Yolo has entered only one race in the series to date and missed 2, thereby taking Yolo out of the final running.. Yolo was back at the start line. A SW wind at the start at around 17knots. Yolo got a good start and made for the first Mark, Landfall. There was a SW swell running.. with the winds gusting at times just over 20 at times.. Yolo rounded 4th, behind the faster boats. the J13.3 and us hoisted kites.. and Yolo blasted, reaching good speeds while catching the swells.. the top wind on the down wind was 30 for a moment.
While we were thinking about the gybe, the spinnaker halyard slipped in the spinlock, so we thought it prudent to just drop the kite, which was just as well as we had over standed the mark and once Yolo had gybed, it was a tight two sail reach for the leeward mark. Due to getting the angles wrong, some of the boats without spinnaker passed us.. but just ahead at the mark. In the Mark zone, the winds had abated to around 12 knots... with chop, we decided to work on keeping up the speed rather then the height which the others seemed more focussed on... so we were able to sail through the others very quickly and get ahead.. as the winds started to come back, we started to play the many shifts with Yolo putting in many tacks to make her way to windward.
Yolo Can first on corrected time. Aboard were Dale and Ian.
Friday, October 11, 2013
WED NITE -9th October 2013
First Wednesday night of the Season... A great turn out on the water... with just under 50 yachts. This is good for so early in the season. Winds varied between around 14-23knots.. with drifting conditions on he start line.
YOLO got a good start, made for Paarden Island Mark, keeping the speeds up and working in the shifts on the beat. Yolo reached the weather mark just ahead of the fleet. NExt Mark was Minerton, the faster boats catching up and Necessity passing. Rounded the leeward mark and almost immediately tacked as there were shifts and we felt we could almost lay Paarden Island again. Necessity did not tack and did the full leg to the beach.. which cost them on the next leg. We managed to just pip them to Paarden Island because of this.. and off to the finish.. Necessity was in the process of passing, far to weather when we all ran into a drifting zone just off the finish mark.. with the whole fleet bunching up on the mark.. eventually we managed to drift across the line. We still managed to win the race by 1 second.. the first few positions were all separated by seconds.
It was a good first race for the season and been a while since Yolo was on the water. Aboard were: Ian, Dale, Sieger, Sarel and Tony.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
DOUBLE HANDED RACE -Sat 17th Aug 2013
After heavy rains and winter squally weather... Racing still took place. Conditions were cold with winds between 18-30knots on the water with a big sea running and murky water around the Milnerton mark. On Yolo we decided to opt for a full main and a J4, Getting a good start, perhaps a bit high on the line but plenty of speed.. then off to Landfall... slowly falling back on the bigger boats. Big seas at Landfall. NExt to Minerton which was a downwind-DDW. we opted to go left first which the big boats went the other way.. we might have had a bit more breeze as we ended up with about the same distance behind Tenacity with Jacana having pulled away nicely on this leg as they used their kite. Nice windy beat to Number 8 albeit we lot a bit on this leg as we settled down.. then off to Woodbridge. We broke our kicker shackle(the one that is on the mast collar fitting) on the gybe.. we made a temp repair and finished the race. the most enjoyable leg was the final leg from Number 8 to the finish at Number 10. The angle was perfect for a fast flat sail. It was a great day on the water, everyone was pleased to have been out there(those that braved it) We can second in our class. Aboard were: Dale and Ian.
Monday, June 24, 2013
DOUBLE HANDED RACE-Sat 22nd June 2013
A Chilly S/SE wind of around 11-14knots at the start line.. 20 boats still made it out for the race.Yolo got a good start with clean winds... made for Paarden Eiland, Rounded just behind the bigger boats and immedfiately hoisted the kite. After settling down, gybed in around 15knots of breeze and made ofr Deyang Family Mark. There was a huge swell running SW to NW.. with us trying to punch into it.. with kite up.. which made it difficult to go too deep and kept the kite collapsing as we hit the swells. Eventually we gybed and made for the mark on Stb tack.. with a neat drop just before the mark. It was then a beat back to Number 10.. Although the breeze was seldom above 14 the swells would catch the boat at angles and make her heel excessively.. on the opposite tack the swell would be behind allowing short surfs on the beat.. nice technical stuff. Towards Number 10 the breeze increased to late teens with a few gusts just on 20. ONce Round Number 10, kite went up again..Albeit the boat in our class ahead and behind us chose not to use the kite.. We did two gybes on the downwind... with another neat drop at the leeward.. and a beat to Paarden Eiland. We read the wind well on the beat... NEaring Paarden Eiland it looked quite tight for the final leg so we prepped and hoisted the Code Zero once be began this leg.. It was a good race. We came second on corrected time and first overall for the series. Aboard Were: Dale and Ian. Boat performed well.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Saturday 15th June 2013
The plan was to do a social sail. Winds were very light. In the end it was decided to motor out to watch the youth regatta and thereafter a motor through the Waterfront. A good opportunity to be aboard and consider some of the little jobs that will need attention should YOLO enter the Cape to Rio Race. Aboard Were: Dale and Ian.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Portugal Day Race -8th June 2013
Conditions were Probbably best described as SW, with shifts ont he left side of the bay. lumpy seas.. conditions from around 12 knots with gusts of around 25knots.. This was a pursuit race, we got off the line nice and fast.. and sailed to a laid mark jusst past Moullie Point Light, the seas were lumpy and condtions light at stages giving the benifit to the longer waterline yachts.. Once around the weather mark, we hoisted our kite and made for Woodbridge mark, in the early part of the leg we were able to pick up a few surfs from the swells, but unfortunately we snagged some kelp on the way, which took us some time to clear. The rest of the race was quite mundane with us being chased by the larger boats and us trying to overtake the smaller boats.. In the end we came 10th over the line and third in our class. It was a great race, well attended given the conditions. The boat performed well. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, MArk D, Sarel, Sieger and guest John O Conner.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
LAZY SUNDAY -20th May 2013
With the crew committed for most of the weekend, it was decided to do a social sail on the Sunday.. With no wind on the Sunday YOLO ended up anchored at Granger Bay for the afternoon in flat conditions. Very pleasant with a nice warm windless winters day. Aboard were: Ian, Sieger and Dale.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Summer Series -11 MAy 2013
Last Race of the series. Nice breeze, SW 9-11knots. We started alone at the bridge hit on a Port start and promptly were able to clear the rest of the fleet who started on Starboard.. This start basically set it up for the rest of the race. It was a pleasant beat to a laid mark just past Granger Bay. Small shifts which we could take advantage of. Around the mark, we hoisted out light kite and worked our way downwind. Unfortunately we had one of the halyards on the inside of the forestay, but no big issue in the light breeze. Around the breakwater we hotted up.. At the Kling mark we gybed dropped kite and gybed around and made for numbr 4 which involved one tack to lay it.. then around, kite up and to the finish.
We were fortunate with our start which allowed us to make some distance.. which took the pressure off for the rest of the race.. We came first in our class and first for the series in our class. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger with guest: Marc Block.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Club Racing -Saturday 20th April 2013
Regular club race and part of a series.. Wind started filling in from the South East and Yolo just made it in time for the start line as she was having her hull dived on to ensure she was clean. We had to wait for the diver to complete. Yolo got a good start and got going with speed managing to almost keep up with the faster boats.. but they were able to hold a slightly higher line.. As we were class two we woulkd be doing another course anyway.. splitting at the weather mark. Yolo got to the weather mark first in class and immediately hoisted the light kite in around 11 knots. A good downwind but Nuthr Witch was coming in slighly faster./ A good drop and gybe made up for some distance.. closing in on Number 10(the next mark) there was a wind convergance zone.. this would be where the race would be won or lost.. we managed to wend our way through the minefields of no wind onlyu stopping a few times and not for long.. round the mark and managed to find the South Easter again which had us sailing again in 11 knots.. the rest of the fleet got caught badly in the convergance zone. We were lucky to have got through it as we did.. We made up a huge lead rounded Paarden Eiland and went for the finish.. this would mean we needed to enter the convergance zone gain.. foirtunately most fo the boats were still in it, so we could see at a distance what was happening.. their wind was slowly coming through so we were able to meet it and sail onto the finish.. We had more then a full leg gap on the next boat.. Line honours and handicap.. in truth, we probbaly were very lucky to have got through the convergance zone. So not a true reflection. Aboard were: Dale and Ian. Boat performed well.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
CLIFTON CRUISE Sunday, 14th April 2013
This was a club organized event. The idea being to all meet up at Clifton at midday and fun race back mid afternoon.
As it was light upwind, the choice to motor to Cliftom was a logical one.. there was a fog bank just off the coast which dissuaded a few boats. Yolo made good time to Clifton and anchored in the benign conditions there. As most of the boats were more of a cruising nature Yolo motored back and watched the fun race.. Funny, some fo these cruisers are quite competitive... from around Moullie Point light there was fod till the harbour. It was a good day on the water.. Aboard were: Dale. Boat performed well.
Double Handed Race SAT 13th April 2013
Nice flat seas, with around 8-10 knots on the water. Yolo started modestly but quickly settled down and started to work the boat. Arriving second place at the weather mark just behind Neccessity. A quick hoist of the kite and Yolo was off.. Neccessity did not hoist their kite, it still took us quite some time to pass. We rounded the leeward mark in third place with Neccessity not far behind and Nuthr Whitch a few boat lenths benind them.. The breeze was light on the beat with Neccessity sailing a bit faster and closed in on the gap.. but we still managed to round the weather mark first and hoisted the kite for the finish line.. we managed to hold it to the last, with Neccessity and Nuthr Witch getting caught in lighter conditions which basically gave us the overalls on corrected time. Aboard were: Dale and Ian. Boat performed well.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
SENIORS RACE 6th April 2013
Gordon Kling was the skipper.. There was a nice 14-17knot breeze with flat seas. It was a pursuit start and Yolo started well.. beating out of the start at full speed making sure her breeze was clear.. opting to duck behind some of the Starboard tackers and keep going fast all the while passing the slower boats quite quickly. She made good time to the weather mark rounded and poled out for the downwind. The rest of the fleet did not pole with some of them going a bit higher. Clean gybe at the wing mark and a race to the finish which had the wind just abaove the beam.. nice sailing but Yolo could not hold off some of the faster boats. Some fo the boats flew additional sails which were not in line with the sailing instructions but there were no protests on the water for this so was not dealth with. Yolo came 11th. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger and skipper Gordon. Boatg performed well.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Wednesday 20th MArch 2013.. Flag Officers Race
This year the club put a lot of effort into the Flag Officers race.. working on the basis that the top two scores in each class would count.. there would be three classes and it would be a spinnaker event.
Yolo got off to a reasonable start but had one of the taileneders on the previous class giving off bad wind.. once settled down, Yolo got the the weather mark and hoisted kite and made for the next mark. Unfortunately they had a Farr 38 to their weather taking their wind for the full leg. At the leeward mark rounded just behind the Farr 38(who had the inside) and tacked away.. which gave a benifit. Reaching the weather mark on Starboard had team members coming across on Port and waved them through. Good kite led down to Milnerton getting good speeds but due to a slow hoist, needed to drop early to make the height. Thereafter a noce beat back to Harken and then to the finish. Yolo came third in her Class and the Commodores team came thirds overall. This was a well supported event. Winds were appprox 17knots.. nice seas, a great night on the water. Aboard were: Ian,Sarel, Dale, Gordon and Sieger, Boat performed well. No problems.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wednesday Night Sail-13th February 2013
Last Wednesday night of the series and the wind was up.. Everyone held back at their mooring expecting racing to be called off, which it was not. So people made their way out on the water with reefed mains and smaller jibs.. the wind was gusting upto 35 at times..
Yolo too it conservately.. starting but quickly getting into the lead of our class and then holding off the distance, the sea conditions were quite flat making it really nice sailing.. It was a bit gusty in the start area but the rest of the course was great to sail in.. In the end Yolo won this race and secured her win overall in her class for the season. Aboard were: Ian, Sieger, Sarel, Gordon, Dale.. Boat performed well, one damaged mainsail slide and a slight rip by a slide..
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wed Nite Race-27th Feb 2013
Nice Westerly blowing at the start.. Yolo managed to get a good start at the lee end of the line tacking away immediately and managed to lay the first mark and clear the yachts still on Starboard. Once Around number 4, it was a downwind sail to Milnerton in varying strenth conditions... On the downwind we had to dodge kelp catching some on the way.. Two boats managed to pass us on the downwind. On the upwind, en route to Number 8, again the kelp was a hazard with us catching some. the breeze was also up and down. In gthe end, we came third in our class. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sarel, Gordon and welcoming back to Sieger who has just recovered from surgery.
RETURN DELIVERY-Mykonos-CT -24th Feb 2013
We departed Mykonos at 05h40 under motor.. putting the main up as we crossed the bay. Sun started rising and found some nice wind off the heads.. As we knew it was localized kept to motor sailing. In the end we motor sailed all the way back to CT. Saw a few whales. Boat performed well. No problems. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, HAns and Kenwyn.
MYKONOS RACE 22/23 February 2013
Light fickle winds at the start.. We chose a conservative start. Soon after the start it was decided to sail down to Blouberg where we felt we would pick up more breeze. We started off with the Code Zero, later switching to the jib. The boats around us stuck to their course of sailing outside Robben Island, with us opting for the inside. We slowly picked up more breeze on the shore line, with us tacking our way up the coast in the light conditions.. We had taken some room out on the boats that were with us at the start but near Bokpoint some of them closed in on us again with them joining us ont he shoreline.. Conditions got lighter and around 2NM short of Dassen Island(gate) the sun started setting and we realized that it would be unlikley that we could make the cout of time of midnight.. so we retired from the race.. In the end we motored to Mykonos and docked at midnight. A very frustrating day... not many boat completed the course.
Light breeze from the South.. We started on pin(Pursuit Start) with good speed and made our way up the beat, perhpas reading it a bit wrong so lost a few boat lenths on the way, on the downwind we started with a kite but later changed to the Code Zero.. IN the end we probbaly held the Code Zero for too long and could have perhpaps gone back to the Kite.. the next few legs were sailed optimally. In the end we managed a 5th place against the fleet in that Race..
Aboard Were: Dale, Ian, Kenwyn Daniels, Phillipa and Hans and CLarence who came in from Dubai for this event.
Boat performed well.. no problems,
Thursday, February 14, 2013
WED NITE -13 Feb 2013
With a Westerly wind runnign a bit out of the ordinary.. with 20 knots in the starting area.. a difficult call on the genoa.. but in the end, a bit of local knowledge and downwind legs prompted the call for the J2.. a lot of the fleet had much smaller jibs up.. It was one of those days where one gets a perfect start in a pack.. going at full pace on the gun.. Within minutes we were able to settle down, were to weather with clear breeze and was able to command the fleet. Already we felt our gain to win the race was had at the start... the beat was tricky, we again were able to read it correctly which increased our lead. followed by two downwind legs with the wind just aft of the beam.. Due to the start and the part of the upwond(and most cometitors with small jibs up going into lighter breeze) we were able to pull out and win nicely under handicap.. Aboard were: Ian, Phillipa, Sarel, Gordon Kling, Sophie and friend and Dale. Boat performed well.
Monday, February 4, 2013
FLING REGATTA -+1/2/3 Feb 2013
First race was a race starting at 5pm on the Friday evening.. Winds were just over 20 knots at the start but quickly built with the highest wind reading during the race of 37knots... We sailed a conservative race using the spinnaker most of the time.. clocking up a top speed of around 15knots..
Winds were over the 30's in the harbour, race orginzers opted to try and set a course in the lee of the mountain hoping for a Westerly.. Unfortunately this made for tricky flukey conditions but kept the yachts out of the 40 something breeze on the bay.. We struggled in the light winds and choppy seas.
THis time it was blowing hard and again opted to sail in the Granger BAy area where there was a 20-30 knots breeze blowing. We sailed conservatily.. Albeit on the last leg we made a mistake and caused a bit of damage..
All in all, a very heavy wind regatta.. In these conditions sailing gainst the 40 footers in the same class makes no sense.. as we quickly lose range with them.
Aboard were: Dale, IAn, Phillipa, Kenwyn, Petrie, Michael and Heidi, Steve White.
Monday, January 28, 2013
HARKEN ROund Robben Island Race -26th JAn 2013
The wind were forecasted to blow.. and this it did. We started with a full main and a J4, with a good start we were in the first few boats at the weather mark.. debate followed whether we should gybe and sail the lighter breeze or sail down the coast line. We decided to go for broke.. with the kite being hoisted it was twisted which we struggled to solve which had us lower to try and sort out.. (all this in 30-35 knots) once done we struggle to rehoist with it taking when halfway up.. almost immediately it power up and ocilatted to our weather side inducing a chinese gybe..(we were heavily powered) we managed to clear away quickly after this on the opposite gybe but the spinnaer was damaged which meant no more kite for the heavy stuff.. We had to be content to sai the downwind without a kite.. close to the island the winds died so we hoisted our light kite and then changed to Code Zero and then to J2.. The winds were light on the other side of the island occationally dropping. We managed well around the island but on the CT side it was still light and fickle with a nasty swell making it difficult to sail.. By this time we had done quite a few more sail changes.. We saw the breeze coming and prepared again with the J4.. Once in it, we realized the intensity and prepared to reef. We took longer then normal for this so it lost us some time. Once reefed the boat was happy again and we had a great sail back to te finish line. Unfortunately we did not fare well in this race.. with us coming mid fleet. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger, Warwick, Tony, Sarel, William. Boat performed well... Torn spinnaker.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Double Handed Race -19 January 2013
First Double handed race of the new year.. Nice entry but a few missing in Class 1 for understandable reasons. Nice breeze on the bay, as we felt that it would increase we opted for to use the J4. Winds were around 16knots at the start. We chose to start lower down the line, to give us a clean start and we could easily lay Paarden Islend from there. We got going with the only boat to overhaul us from weather was Tenacity with her longer waterline.. She managed to round Paarden Island just ahead of Yolo. Yolo rounded and went deeper and started to hoist her kite.. with Tenacity opting not to use her kite. Yolo got going, but got caught for a while in Tenacity's lee.. after breaking free Yolo make good distance ahead.. winds gusted to around 25 for this leg.. Yolo did a conservative early drop and Gybed for No 8 and fetched across the bay.. Tenacity closed in a bit on this leg. With the beat up Yolo got the lay line just right and pulled out a bit.. using the Spinnaker on the next leg again which allowed further pulling out.. On the next beat Yolo sailed well. NExt leg to the finish, Yolo decided to try kite it.. but unfornately the Sheet came off the kite just before time to sheet so we had to drop the kite again.. Yolo came first on line and first on Handicap.. yay.. However she was the only one in her class who braved hoisiting her kite.. Aboard were: Dale and Ian. Boat performed well.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
WED Night Race -16th December 2013
First Race of the year and a new series. Yolo tends to enter the non spinnaker class for Wednesday night racing as we cannot always tell how many crew or ability we will have for a Wednesday night. With shorter races, we find it more fun to compete with no spinnaker.
Nice conditions, moat unlike CT. A SE, around 14-20 knots.. bit patchy but flat water and humid conditions with the odd light raain cloud.. Really nice fun conditions to sail.
The wind was at it's strongest at the leeward end of the line and it looked like it would head as one progresses up the beat.. most unlike CT.. so we made for a leeward start hitting the line at full speed on the gun.. allowing us to quickly get away and settle in for a good beat to the Harken mark. as the beat progresses those that were to weather of us were feeling the effects of the header and were "bows down" whoch was good for us.. Eventually we tacked on a shift and covered the fleet, tacking again to cover and lay the first mark, with us rounding a few boat lenths ahead. Neccessity was in spinnaker class so they were able to quickly overtake us, with us working hard to try and remain ahead of Touch and Go. Neccessity rounded the wing mark with their assym and gybed but the angle was too tight for them to hold their assym forcing them to bear away and drop losing them time as they still did not have their jib up and they were falling to leeward of the rhumb line.. in the meanwhile Yolo managed to stay a boat lenth ahead of Touch and go at the leeward mark which we gybed at.. With Neccessity struggling to get sorted it did not take long to pass them.. all the while trying to stay ahead of Touch and go, we managed to work the odd gust better giving us an additional boat lenth. We rounded the leeward mark first with the fleet right on our tail.. We had a good beat. Touch and go and Neccessity overstood the weather mark by far, costing them huge distance giving us a easy line honours... rounded the weather mark and to the finish.
It was a well sailed race aboard. 1st on corrected time. Aboard were: Ian, Dale, Phillipa, Sieger and Steve White(our guest of Vendee fame) All worked well aboard.
We are slowly understanding how best to keep the boat going..
Sunday, January 13, 2013
CLUB RACE -12 Jan 2013
With only 4 aboard we were very light for the conditions at hand.. A SE in the South Side of the bay randign between 20-30 knots.. Yolo opted for the J4 at the start and a full main.. A good start was had with only one boat ahead of Yolo at the weather mark by some 4 or so boat lenths.. A conservative hoist of the kite and a conservative sail down to Milnerton mark.. We rounded up the leeward mark still second place.. having pulled out quite a bit on the rest of the fleet as very new had spinnakers up.. We struggled on the upwind as we were light.. So got pushed a bit sideways in the gusts... Rounded the Weather mark and hoisted again, this time goign for Woodbridge.. We got going nicely, only to watch the lead boat do a spectacular chinese gybe, which took a while for them to recover.. allowing us to pass. After rounding up we sailed windward to the weather mark.. with the bigger boat sailing faster in hot pursuit to regain their position. After rounding the weather mark we prepped the kite but the angle was still too tight.. Eventually freeing off with the bigger boat behind us hoisting at the same time with them coming in fast.. We managed to still nip them over the line.. with us finishing first on line, first on handicap. It was a great day sailing. Boat performed well. Yacht Tencity requested a tow back into harbour. Their engine was not circulating and they did not want to use it. Aboard were: Ian, Phillipa, Special guest-Steve White a well know Ocean racer and past competitor in the Vendee and Dale..
Monday, January 7, 2013
CRUISING -3-5 Jan 2012
With Yolo predominantly being used for racing, it was time to do some cruising in her.... trying to squeeze in a few days to get away being the next big problem.. nonetheless Yolo departed CT at around 1pm on the 2nd JAn.. making for Dassen Island in a nice SW with about 14 knots across the deck making good time for Dassen Island.. the Sail was fast and faily comfortable arriving at Dassen in good time.. We navigated in and set anchor in a good position.. Having just purchased a small rubber dinghy to use as a tender, this was pumped up and launched.. the motor was then taken out.. but had not been used for over 10 years... and well, forgot to frain the old petrol with the result that it had turned all mushy in the tank.. ending our chances of using the new duck...Oh Well.. We watched a beatiful sunset and relaexed aboard.. eventually going to sleep.. During ther course of the night the winds shifted eventually at sunrise with a 20knots NW blowing in with lots of rain.. Not very comfortable and it was decided to depart the anchorage.. With YOLO making for Saldhana Bay our next planned port.. the seas were lumpy and gusty so it was motor sailing which gave us the best way.. With us eventually arriving at Saldhana Bay YAcht Club at around 1pm.. with YOLO mooring Stern to on their Jetty.. The Club was very welcoming and sociable.. and the Dyer brothers going out of their way.. We Cleaned the boat and enjoyed being at the club eventually going into the town in the evening for supper...
The next morning it was time to go up the lagoon. We set our sites for Oude Pos. We had a good sail across the bay and then we motored into the SE wind into the channel. Neither of us had been up the channel for many years so we needed to be extra careful.. We arrived at Oude Pos and anchored.. We spent the day there, relaxing, sorting the boat out.. Ian swam ashore and went for a walk.. a really beutiful protected anchorage which most people don't seem to use.
That evening we braaied a filet on board..
The next morning had YOLO raising anchor at around 06h30 to make for Dassen.. The trip back was uneventful with a sloppy sea and not much wind causing YOLO to motor sail back.. Nearing Dassen the decision was taken to return to CT. Once back in CT the boat was cleaned.
All in all a very good few days cruising.. the boat performed brilliantly. Aboard were Ian and Dale.
The next morning it was time to go up the lagoon. We set our sites for Oude Pos. We had a good sail across the bay and then we motored into the SE wind into the channel. Neither of us had been up the channel for many years so we needed to be extra careful.. We arrived at Oude Pos and anchored.. We spent the day there, relaxing, sorting the boat out.. Ian swam ashore and went for a walk.. a really beutiful protected anchorage which most people don't seem to use.
That evening we braaied a filet on board..
The next morning had YOLO raising anchor at around 06h30 to make for Dassen.. The trip back was uneventful with a sloppy sea and not much wind causing YOLO to motor sail back.. Nearing Dassen the decision was taken to return to CT. Once back in CT the boat was cleaned.
All in all a very good few days cruising.. the boat performed brilliantly. Aboard were Ian and Dale.
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