Wednesday, December 18, 2013

YOLO BAck in water -17th December 2013

With strong South Easters and the cranes not functioning, Yolo braved her relaunch. After a new prop and a bottom job to a racing finish, it was time to go back in the water. Once launched, supposed to check the prop but with 40knots gusts very difficult so just motored to the newly allocated race mooring in front of the clubhouse.

Friday, December 13, 2013


Xtra-Link has again come aboard as Communications sponsor on Yolo. Xtra-Link has a long relationship with this team spanning back to 2005. On Board Yolo will be a Sailor FBB250 Terminal which supplies voice and high speed internet connection to enable to the team to download the latest weather information. In addition to this they will be carrying a Satellite ISATPHONE.

YOLO out of water for PREP

On Monday the 9th December Yolo was craned out of the water for maintainance. The following to be undertaken: -Clean bottom -Sand down bottom -Respray Antifouling, to maintain race finish. -Apply Sponsor decals on Boat. -Replace Anodes. -Replace PRop *1 *1 Yolo has a Folding Prop. IN light of the long race, the decision was taken to order a specialized Gori RACING folding prop which have the best underwater dynamics while under sail of any prop. The Prop Should arrive on yes.. Friday the 13th December.. to be fitted Soon Afterwards. The Intended date to return to the water is: 17th December.. At this point the boat will move to the event mooring space and be cleaned and thereafter the loading of the boat will begin as she would be ready for the event.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Final Wed Nite Race of the Series 4th December 2013

A Southerly wind blowing with strong gusts just prior to the start with Yolo opting for a conservative approach as we were light on the rail. A mediocre start was had and a drag to Paarden Island followed by a reach to Milnerton. Unfortunately Yolo had a boat covering her wind the whole leg and so was unable to break free.. On the next leg Yolo sailed Rhumb line for number 8 which had her in range of the faster boats. With a short beat to the finish, not much opportunity to make up. Yolo rounded just behind two Class three boats so opted to tack in order to have a clear line.. and witht he Southerlies there were shifts so would hopefully make up some distance. Yolo played the shifts to the finish, catching up enough time to place her third in the Race and 1st Overall in the Series. Aboard were: Dale, Ian, Sieger, Sarel and Owen. Boat Performed well.